Frequently Asked Questions
Most frequent questions and answers
How can I apply to the Buffer Fringe Performing Arts Festival?
Buffer Fringe Performing Arts Festival welcomes applications through an open call every year. Once the call is launched, you can use the application form that will be available online to submit your art work.
Is there an application fee?
No. There is no fee for submitting art works at Buffer Fringe Festival.
What if I don’t have the full video documentation of my work?
Full video documentation is an important requirement of the application process. However in case you don’t have the full documentation, you can send documentation of certain parts of your performance, photos and videos from your rehearsals.
Is it possible to apply with a performance that is not performed in English?
Yes this is possible. However the full script in English will need to be provided with the application form.
What is the selection procedure of the final performances?
Final performances will be selected by an artistic committee composed of professionals from performing arts field, the creative and organizing team of the festival based on the criteria outlined in the application form.
Does the festival offer accommodation and transportation for international participants?
Unfortunately we are not able to cover these costs. However we might be able to contribute depending on the fundraising activities.
Festival takes place in Nicosia – the last divided capital in the world. Where exactly the festival takes place?
The festival will take place in selected venues across the divide and the buffer zone in Cyprus.
Can I apply with a performance that hasn't been performed before?
Yes, you can apply with a performance that is not performed to an audience yet, as long as its documented on video in full-length.
Does the festival offer any fees to the artist or does the artist get paid via the box office?
Participating artists receive a fee, outlined in the open call of that specific edition.
Can I move freely across the divide? Do I need to show any documentation?
During the festival, you will need to use different crossing points within the city of Nicosia. You are required to have your passport with you at all times to be able to travel across the crossing points. For EU citizens, ID/Passport is the only requirement. For non-EU citizens, different rules might apply at the crossings. Our team is quite knowledgeable and experienced on this issue, and they will inform you accordingly.